The problem about blogging when one is a knitter is that one would rather be knitting. However, I've torn myself away from my recent project (a funky baby coat using King Cole DK Riot) to update you on my latest finished project, a deep red Lore Hoodie, from Vampire Knits book, modelled beautifully by my good ol' mum. I knitted it a couple of sizes smaller than me as I am successfully losing weight, something that I have now called 'wishful knitting'!
It took me three weeks to complete and I loved it. It was quite easy but initially challenging as it was the first time I've knitted a lace pattern and used DPNs for the sleeves.
I had a bit of a Brittany Spears type breakdown and cut my long hair off... and dyed it purple! The comments I get are great but it does take some maintenance (redyeing it every couple of washes) and it is imperitive that I stay out of the rain!
I have a thing for purple. It's not just my favourite colour, it is an obsession. Obsession and Bipolar go hand in hand, and I go through different seasons of being totally addicted to things. My name is Stella and I'm a purpleholic. That and a yarnaholic. My phone is purple, my bag is purple, my jacket is purple, my decor is purple, my clothes are mainly purple. Interesting to note that my least favourite colour is yellow... the opposite colour to purple on a spectrum wheel!
Well, fingers are itching to get back to my knitting.
Toodles! xxx