I couldn’t help myself. When I saw they were selling Sirdar Escape (colour 180 'Fury') for £2 a ball in the Agora, Bletchley, I had the ‘quickening’. The term is taken from the film ‘Highlander’ when another immortal’s energy is absorbed, but in my case I use it when I find a yarn I fall in love with. I find my energy is increased, my eyes grow larger, my pupils dilate and pulse increases and I become a little breathless, brimming with creativity and life!!! No thunderbolts and electrical surges though, which is good... my hair's frizzy enough. Had I just left the yarn in the bargain bin, I would have been haunted by it’s beauty and a still small voice saying 'buy me... buy me..' until I’d finally given in and make an extra trip back to the shop. The colours got me…. Beautiful, rich, changing… **swoon**. I like to knit using circular needles for large projects, so ordered 4.5mm this morning but couldn't wait to get started!

The pattern is taken from the book ‘Viking Patterns for Knitting’ by Elsebeth Lavold. I’m changing it slightly, adding an extra ‘St John’s Cross/Happiness symbol’ to make it longer, and exchanging the ribbing for erm, something else… tassels maybe or something crocheted, I haven’t quite decided. The sleeves with be a complementary purple, as the yarn is unpre
dictable in it's colour changes and I didn't want the sleeves to be too different. I'm changing the shape of the sleeves too, I'll do a flared design with knotwork in the Escape yarn. I'm going to use a piping by a knitting nancy (pic:) around the neckline too instead of the ribbing.
So that’s five unfinished projects going on at the moment! That’s my limit.

The pattern is taken from the book ‘Viking Patterns for Knitting’ by Elsebeth Lavold. I’m changing it slightly, adding an extra ‘St John’s Cross/Happiness symbol’ to make it longer, and exchanging the ribbing for erm, something else… tassels maybe or something crocheted, I haven’t quite decided. The sleeves with be a complementary purple, as the yarn is unpre

So that’s five unfinished projects going on at the moment! That’s my limit.